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Snake Davis & His Alligator Shoes

This special annual event that sits between the lull of Christmas and New Year is back.

The original, first and never forgotten ‘60s soul band formed by Snake, with Dave Bowie and Mark Creswell back in 1979 in Leeds, rises from the ashes playing Motown, Stax, Atlantic, Junior Walker, Otis Redding…A big nine  piece brassy saxy and soulful band playing  music that grabs your heart and moves your feet. From Curtis Mayfield’s ‘Move on Up’ through Smokey’s ‘Tears of a Clown’ to Sam and Dave’s ‘Hold on I’m coming’ and Yvonne Elliman’s ‘Stay with me Baby’. Dance-floor-fillers, classic songs,  played with commitment passion and love.
Get your party outfit on, wear your dancing shoes and dance the night away.

Book early to avoid disappointment.

Please note that this gig is STANDING ONLY!

Show Details

Date of event:

30th December 2021

Event details:

8pm £18/£20